Remember These Things When Life Becomes Rough


No matter who or where you are, you will go through a crisis one day that will make it feel like you have been hit by a truck. For some, these events happen simultaneously; and you wonder if all hell has been unleashed against you. We all have our bad days, and it is helpful to remember that no matter how bad things may be now, it shall soon pass away. There is no use struggling with a storm while it is raging, the best thing you can do is to remain calm. The storm will soon pass. Things do go wrong no matter what we do; no one is above it for it is peculiar to us all

Is anyone going through bad days? Then, think on these things:

  •  Things are not usually as bad as they seemed. So don’t be overly consumed by the “rough” times as they are inevitable. Anyone who lives long enough will encounter bad times sooner or later.
  • Life is a mixture of fruitful and dry times, just like the way we have the winter, autumn and summer times. No matter how we hate the winter season, you can’t wish or pray it away; we just have to wait it out. Sooner or later, it will give way for the summer. Likewise, the rough times of life are seasons we have to endure and go through.
  • No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.
  • Periods of hardship are rare moments when we should pause and learn some life lessons. We should be honest enough to admit to ourselves where we went wrong, become wiser from the mistakes and make amendments where necessary. For instance, some people found themselves in financial hardships because of frivolous spending and lack of proper financial education. No matter the size of a fortune, it can grow wings and fly away if it is not wisely invested.
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  •  If you don’t get something you want, it might be an indication that something better is on the way. Yes, believe it. If you look back at your life journey, you would see that it was good that some things you desperately wanted didn’t turn out as you expected. I remember the story of two guys who were interviewed for the job of a pilot. Only one of them was successful in the interview. The other guy was so devastated that he locked himself indoors for two days. Later, a report came that the successful candidate died in a crash while he was test running one of the air crafts which they never knew had a technical fault. At the news, he snapped out of his depression and became thankful that he did not get the job after all.
  • No matter what happens, choose your reaction. You may not be able to control the event, but you have total control on how you respond to it. You can face the worst things in this world, but if you decide not to be affected by them, you won’t be.
  • Think on the way forward. Take action. In so doing, you are not a passive recipient, but a conscious creator.
  • When we are tested by the fire of rough times, our real self comes forth, that is when we get to know the stuff some of us are made off. In such times, maintain your integrity don’t change who you are,  do not abandon your beliefs and convictions for some momentary relief.
  • Determine to overcome it. Within us lies the latent ability to overcome and subdue any contrary situation. Make use of the power within and gain confidence as you overcome one challenge over another.
  • Laugh through it. As difficult as this may seem, one effective way to pull through a rough time is to laugh through it.  One of the things that makes an eagle unique and named the king of birds is its ability to laugh through storms. Whenever there is a storm, what an eagle does is to face the direction where the storm is coming from and face it, rides through it and laugh over it. It is only trials, challenges, difficult situations that usher in triumphs, breakthroughs and celebrations. When life is bland and same every day, we become lazy, relaxed in our comfort zones and  we become bored. But when we face hardships once in a while, we get jolted out of our complacency, and reach out for the greatness ahead of us. I know people who became better and stronger after a stormy situation. I came to discover myself, my strengths, gifts and abilities after a so called rough period. You can also.
  • Rough times can be eye openers  having the ability to make us see things in a different light, do things differently, try a different approach, discover new opportunities and ideas, drop old, dead and productive ideas which had prevented us from rising to the next level.

When next you face a rough time period, wait, don’t be in a hurry to conclude that it is a bad time;  it might actually be what you need to be who you are supposed to be.

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